Event (3)

Markham Stoufville Hospital Donation

The coronavirus pandemic has now reached every continent except Antartica. This year COVID-19 has changed our world in unprecedented ways. We hope you are keeping safe and healthy during these uncertain and challenging times. As promised, we would like to provide you with some updates on TITIKA.   There has been an increase in demand for personal protective equipment in Canada and so TITIKA is committed to helping the COVID-19 relief effort in any way we can. As our headquarters is located in Markham, we have donated 250 medical masks to Markham Stoufville Hospital and $1,100 CAD to the Markham Stoufville Hospital Foundation.   In addition to posing public health challenges, the outbreak has prompted mass closures of schools and businesses and is straining resources. The Government of Canada is taking strong and quick action to protect our economy, and the health, safety, and jobs of all Canadians during the global COVID-19 outbreak. As communities around the world struggle to cope with COVID-19, frontline workers are facing dire circumstances, unable to practice social distancing and making sure the rest of us are getting our essential needs.   Some of the biggest names in the world of business have donated to fund research, pay for personal protective equipment for hospitals, and help victims suffering during the COVID-19 crisis. The CDC recommend that people wear cloth face coverings in public, particularly in areas with high levels of community-based transmission. However, they stress that surgical masks and N-95 respirators should be reserved for medical staff. Locals are banding together to collect masks and other protective equipment as an impending shortage looms.   Through this, we hope we have inspired you to do the same as any help, big or small, matters.

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Markham Stoufville Hospital Donation

TITIKA at Shanghai Fashion Week

  Shanghai Fashion Week Year 2020 kicks off in an unusual way, with COVID-19 spreading across the world and the fashion industry facing unprecedented challenges. In order to help brands and designers during the crisis, Shanghai Fashion Week carries on the platform's mission of industry explorers and industry pioneers by making the decision to launch a special edition in a digital way: Tmall Cloud Fashion Week. Shanghai Fashion Week organized an online press conference on Wednesday and unveiled its schedule and lineup for this special edition. From March 24th to 30th more than 150 fashion brands were assembled in the cloud via the Tmall platform. On March 27th, the TITIKA Team joined the innovative event and did a live cloud presentation of our new WISHES Collection. We were proud to present our Canadian designers’ works to international buyers and Chinese audiences. We hope our multi-functional designs give sports fans a new experience.

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TITIKA at Shanghai Fashion Week

International Women's Day

The theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) is, I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights. This day carries the clear theme of female empowerment, with a special focus on raising awareness of social and political issues affecting women. With recent media drawing to light hidden narratives, the strength and courage women are displaying to stand up and speak up is incredibly admirable. Now more than ever, there is a calling for support from women everywhere. In honour of Women’s Day, TITIKA had the opportunity to participate in Immigrant Women in Business (IWB) at Toronto City Hall. We had a speech about our brand’s inspiration and vision on women empowerment, as well as organized a fashion show with multicultural women. IWB is a new non-profit social enterprise whose mission is to help members increase their business through an authentic referral program, unique marketing initiatives and improve the world through positive leadership, compassion and commitment to learning, growing and giving. “Female leadership is different, it is a natural relationship, one where you lead with your heart,” Svetlana Ratnikova, founder and CEO, expressed. The logic of IWB stands on the foundation that women are stronger together than against each other. International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women, who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. Starting over in a new country can be a challenge, the language may be different as well as the customs, however, once you are given the perfect slate on which to craft your story nothing is impossible.

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International Women's Day