Titika Style Of Living (2)

7 Health, Fitness & Wellness Podcasts We Can’t Stop Listening too!

Pictured:  Kourtney Bra and  Kourtney Shorts  1  Ali on the Run Show The Ali on the Run Show is hosted by Ali Feller, a freelance writer, editor; runner and blogger. She speaks to everyday runners, professional athletes, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders that she finds interesting and inspiring. Ali effectively digs into her guests’ decisions, their successes, and their failures in order to guide and inform her listeners. Listen Here:  Ali On The Run Show    2  The Goop Podcast Food for thought ...Gwyneth Paltrow’s The Goop Podcast offers interesting conversations with leading thinkers, culture changers and industry disruptors.  Each week's episodes dive into new and interesting topics which will truly engage listeners.  We were hooked since the premier episode featuring Gwyneth X Oprah chatting about living their best lives. Listen Here: The Goop Podcast   3  Lady Lovin’ Lady Lovin’  is our source for GIRL POWER. The three hosts Jilly Hendrix, Greta Titelman, and Lo Bosworth chat about a variety of topics including relationships, sex, wellness, and business. Lady Lovin’ is all about inspiring women to stay true to who they are. It helps women understand to fully appreciate and love themselves. We love listening in to the gossip, laughing along and sharing in the memories with these three fantastic women! Listen Here: Lady Loving'   4  The Jillian Michaels Show We love The Jillian Michaels Show for its inspirational, entertaining and informative episodes on health and happiness.  The combination of Jillian’s energizing relationship with co-host Janice, paired with the trainer’s “tough love” approach, will keep you wanting more.  With new episodes weekly, you're sure to stay focused and fit. Listen Here: The Jillian Michaels Show   5  Almost 30 Krista Williams + Lindsey Simcik are fun and down to earth in their podcast series, Almost 30.  The show covers a variety of topics from health, wellness, entrepreneurship, self-development, humour, and (most importantly) honesty. Bringing on the coolest guests in a variety of industries including nutritionists, trainers, boss business women & men, life coaches, comedians, actors, models, healers, spiritual gurus keeps each episode interesting. You will feel as if you’re hanging out with these ladies instead of being at work. Listen Here: Almost 30   6  Couch to 5K The Couch to 5K series is a great objective-based training postcast with a program that will have you feeling fit and more energized. The podcast's coaches run through low, moderate, and occasionally high-impact interval run drills, all set to high energy music to keep you motivated.  Listen Here: Couch to 5K   7  Twenty-minute yoga sessions from Yoga Download Retreat and de-stress with these 20-minute guided yoga sessions. Each session will help you relax, restore, center and balance your cluttered mind or tired body. With 95-episodes available, there's plenty to choose from. Longer instalments are available on the Yoga Download website and you can also try our their Yoga Today Video Podcast.  Listen Here: Twenty Minute Yoga Sessions From Yoga Download

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7 Health, Fitness & Wellness Podcasts We Can’t Stop Listening too!


  Simona Margine, founder of WellfitbySim, has been a fitness trainer for 7 years and has gained quite a following with her no-nonsense approach to fitness training and nutrition. Her devotion to every client is evident- “The best part about training with Simona is that you can count on her 100% to be there, not flake on you, and push your body to do things you didn't know it could do!” Simona has been a long time Titika ambassador. In this blog, she shares her journey and the inside out to become a fitness trainer.   Tron Leggings When did you decide and how did you find your calling to become a personal trainer? Oddly enough, growing up I never played any sports. It wasn’t until high school that I discovered my passion for fitness and health. First year high school we had to enrol in a gym class and I remember dreading it – just the thought of playing sports with other kids made me nervous. I ended up taking gym class every year though and in grade 11 I took a liking to my gym teacher who basically took me under her wing and paved my way into the physical education world. She was so passionate and knowledgeable. She was so intriguing to me! What does it take if someone is interested to get into this business? HARD WORK! It takes dedication, motivation and empathy. Being a fitness trainer isn’t as easy as some might make it seem. For starters, trainers work long hours. To be a GOOD trainer you must be knowledgeable enough to feel confident in helping clients that may be injured or possess a physical ailment. You must be willing to provide moral and mental support to your clients every day. You have to empathize with them and show true compassion.  Robin Short Sleeve Tee What is your typical day like? When you’re a trainer, every day is different and can change at any moment. My typical day starts at 5:30am. I have a quick bite then I’m off to my morning clients, usually 3-4 in a row depending on the given day. I might have some hours off in the late morning or early afternoon, during which I go to the gym myself. Then I come home, make lunch and then get ready for my evening clients usually 4/5pm-9pm. When the day is busy, I don’t get much time off. Like I said, LONG hours. What is your favourite healthy recipe? Right now I’m obsessed with this pumpkin chilli I’ve been making! It’s perfect for the colder weather and just such a great and easy way to get in all your nutrients. I have this great recipe and more listed on my blog www.wellfitbysim.com/blog Secret indulgence? Chocolate!! That said, I have done a pretty good job training myself to enjoy dark chocolate in the last few months. Dark chocolate has much less sugar and it actually has some antioxidants, which can help combat that enter our bodies Favourite music when working out? I listen to a variety of music but during workouts I love listening to either hip-hop or electronic music – depends on my mood that day and/or what I’m working on. For example, heavy weights usually = rap/hip hop Can you think of someone interesting/famous you have met during training? I’ve had the chance to meet some famous people because I used to be a fitness coach at the Ritz Carlton, mostly athletes. I have met hockey legend Sidney Crosby and basketball players such as Amar'e Stoudemire and Paul Millsap, as well as WBFF Diva Karina Marin.   Drew Static Bra What is the biggest satisfaction you get from being a trainer? My biggest satisfaction as a trainer is definitely seeing my client’s progressions, no matter how big or small. I deal with a lot of injury rehab clients so it is the biggest thrill when they are pain free – it’s the best feeling for me, ironically! How do you see yourself in 5 years? In 5 years I would like to own my own fitness facility where I could foster an environment where people look forward to coming to see knowledgeable professionals whose sole desires are to make a difference in someone’s life through health and fitness. Who inspires you?  I’m inspired each and every day. It’s wonderful! But I definitely have some fitness gurus I look up to like Stuart McGill who is the world’s leading back pain expert and Katy Hearn who is a celebrity Instagram trainer. She opened up her own amazing gym by the time she was 25 years old. What is the one quote that keeps you going? I love the quote: “There is no can not, there is a try or do not try” I always tell my clients that they cannot tell me whether or not they can do something until they give it a shot. Most of the time they find that they can actually do it! If you have not become a trainer, what would you be? I probably would have been doing something in the fashion industry. Fashion is my second passion. I used to design clothes when I was in high school and then in university. I worked for a fashion blog for a bit and even did some styling for music artists. It was fun! https://www.instagram.com/wellfitbysim/ Major Medium Impact Bra    

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